Peahen Hatching Eggs
We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.
India blue eggs | Black shoulder eggs | White eggs | Cameo/chocolate eggs | Oaten/chocolate eggs
Save the peacocks
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Or click here to learn more
Please note that feed costs have gone up over 100% over the last year.
Since we include shipping in the price of your hatching eggs, we are at the mercy of the United States Postal Service and their constant increasing of shipping prices.
If the United States Postal Service increases their postal rates after you’ve paid for your hatching eggs, there may be an additional surcharge for higher postal rates that we did not anticipate within our egg prices.
Thank you for your understanding.
We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.
This video Is from Season 2 of Mr. Peacock & Friends TV
Mr. Peacock And Friends, Hatching Out Peachicks, Show 215
The 15th episode (show 215) of season 2, Mr. & Mrs Peacock shows you how they hatch out their peachicks in an incubator. This episode will show you how to get your own peachicks off to a good start.
We take personal checks making it easier and more convenient for you to get peahen hatching eggs ordered.
Please be advised, we do not take checks after May 15, 2025.
Please be advised that personal checks
will delay your order for two to three weeks
minimum until your check clears and is processed.
The preferred payment method to get your hatching eggs are money orders.
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
We do not accept credit card orders for hatching eggs. The reason behind this is PayPal does not allow us to hold your order for weeks/months until the eggs are ready to ship. They expect their products to be shipped out within seven days accordingly to their buyer/sellers agreement policies. hence the reason for not using credit cards on hatching eggs.
Our Peahen hatching eggs are available only to residents of the continental United States and Puerto Rico!
Sorry, no bank drafts, checks or money orders outside the
USA even if Peahen eggs are shipped to a USA city.
Only USA money orders and USA checks payable to a USA bank.
Choice One
Order one egg or as many eggs as you want of any color type for $51.00 per peahen egg.
This price includes your postage, up to $100.00 insurance, and handling charges.
Your eggs will be shipped by way of USPS priority mail to the continental United States.
Sorry, we do not ship outside of the United States of America. We do ship to Puerto Rico.
We can also ship by way of the USPS express mail for an additional postage charge.
Please be advised that Express mail from our location to yours may take as long as priority mail.
There is no guarantee that the extra money will get you faster service.
The United States Postal Service has deliberately slow down express mail over the last year.
Extra Express mail postage for the continental United States, add $65.00 per set of six eggs for 1-2 day express mail
service from Minden, Ia. (example: 6 eggs-add $65.00, 12 eggs-add an additional $65.00, etc.).
Click here to check how long your order will ship by way of the USPS
The price for eggs includes postage, handling, and boxing charges and up to $100.00 insurance.
Hatching eggs are always available unless we say they are sold out for the season.
Choice Two
Minimum of 6 eggs of your choice of any color type for $152.00, the price includes postage, handling, boxing charges and up to $100.00 insurance.
Additional eggs sold at $51.00 each
Peahen hatching egg for sale
India Blue Hatching Eggs
We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.
Click here for order form.
We cannot take PayPal or credit cards on hatching eggs.
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 2-3 weeks) on peahen eggs!
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
Black Shoulder Hatching Eggs
We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.
Click here for order form.
We cannot take PayPal or credit cards on hatching eggs.
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 2-3 weeks) on peahen eggs!
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
White Hatching Eggs
We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.
Click here for order form.
We can not take PayPal or credit cards on hatching eggs.
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 2-3 weeks) on peahen eggs!
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
Cameo Hatching Eggs
We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.
Click here for order form.
We can not take PayPal or credit cards on hatching eggs.
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 2-3 weeks) on peahen eggs!
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
Oaten Hatching Eggs
We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.
Learn more about Oaten peafowl…See our 3 YouTube Videos on Oaten Peafowl
Oaten or new color of peacocks
Developing Cameo & Oaten Peacocks (Peafowl)
Cameo & Oaten Peacock Differences
Click here for order form.
We can not take PayPal or credit cards on hatching eggs.
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 2-3 weeks) on peahen eggs!
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
Because of the possibility of delay and improper handling by the United States Postal Service, and so many other factors beyond our control, we cannot guarantee hatchability on eggs. All claims for any broken eggs will be with the United States Postal Service. Eggs will be shipped when available and filled in the order they are received.
No guarantees on hatchability. No cancellations. No exchanges or refunds once you commit to eggs during the current hatching season (April-July 2025). Your money will be refunded at the end of the season only if eggs are not laid by the peahens and are not mailed to you by September 2025.
Shipping is by Priority Mail! (the postal service tells us that there is no guarantee on how long it will take to receive packages)
Your eggs are automatically insured for $100.00 by the United States Postal Priority Mail Service. If you wish to purchase additional insurance you may do so. The cost is $10.00 for each additional $100.00 of insurance coverage.
Remember, if you choose not to buy addition Insurance coverage above $100.00, your order will only be insured up to $100.00 matter how large your order is.
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 2 weeks) on peahen eggs!
Click this for hatching egg order form
As a reminder, eggs are not shipped immediately unless we send a personal e-mail to you within 24 hours from when your order is received. Your eggs can be shipped anywhere from April through July depending on how soon in the year you place your order and how many people are ahead of you.
Please be advised, that your hatching eggs come with absolutely no instructions.
So order, Hatching Your Eggs, Peafowl Report Issue, 15-6 for $12.00 postage paid sent with your hatching eggs.
Or download it now for $7.99
Or order our e-books, The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Vol 1 & 2, below at the iTunes store for your iPad or iPad mini, or on our website for your computer. See below to order today!
Click here to download "The Wacky World Of Peafowl", Volume 1 & 2
Order now on iTunes as an eBook for your iPad, iPad Mini, iPhone, iPod or Apple computer.
Click Here to download Volume 1,
Click Here to download Volume 2,
Click here to download The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1 & 2, The eBook for your computer or any other eReader that can view a PDF. This e-book is a read only PDF for your eReader or computer, which means you cannot print this book.
Or if you a video person, order
“The Wacky World Of Peafowl”,
The DVD, Vol 1 or Vol. 2
Click this line to order the DVDs
Or Order
Mr. Peacock & Friends,
The TV show DVD, Season one.
Click to purchase and view
Also on occasion, we may have to call you late in the evening (11:00 pm to 12:00 am Central time) when we pack up your eggs for shipment. Sometimes the address provided us is not an acceptable address with the USPS. Please also use your ZIP Code +4 digits (example 12345-6789)
Staycation with Peahen hatching eggs.
Hatching eggs make a good staycation (vacation at home) this summer.
View the below promotional You-Tube video and order your eggs today!
We can not take PayPal or credit cards on hatching eggs.
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 3 weeks) on peahen eggs!
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
Please be advised that because of the uncertainty of the peahens laying habit and the unpredictable delivery of the United States Postal Office's priority and express mail, we CAN NOT give you a date when your eggs will be shipped. All we can say is they will be shipped between the months of April through July. We also can not arrange for a delivery date so you can take eggs on a plane outside the USA.
Because of the possibility of delay and improper handling by the United States Postal Service, and so many other factors beyond our control, we cannot guarantee hatchability on eggs. All claims for any broken eggs will be with the United States Postal Service. Eggs will be shipped when available and filled in the order they are received.
Eggs will not be shipped until the peahens lay them in the spring, starting in late April to May.
Shipping is by Priority Mail! (the postal service tells us that there is no guarantee on how long it will take to receive packages)
Money orders or checks (checks will delay shipment 2-3 weeks) on peahen eggs!
You can get a money order from your local Walmart store or post office.
Click this for hatching egg order form
Eggs are only sold to the continental United States and Puerto Rico.
Click here to order The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock, the DVD!
Click here to order The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1 & 2
Click This to order
"The Wacky World Of Peafowl", Volume 1 & 2
as an eBook for your iPad & iPad Mini.
Click links below to order on the iTunes Store
Click Here to download Volume 1,
Click Here to download Volume 2,
Click here to download The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1 & 2, The eBook for your computer or any other eReader that can view a PDF. This e-book is a read only PDF for your eReader or computer, which means you cannot print this book.
See our new friend,
Quacky Peacock, One of a kind!
Click this to view video.
Also view his other two videos!
Click the below to view
Quacky, Mystery Peacock
Quacky, The Trumpet Playing Peacock
The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock,
The Movie Trailer
Get a sneak peak of this inspirational and uplifting video,
You've got to check it out!
The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1, The Movie Trailer
Get a sneak peak of The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD Volume 1, newly remastered video.
You've got to check it out!
The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 2,
The Movie Trailer
Get a sneak peak of this instructional peafowl/peacock video,
You've got to check it out!
Tonight Show
If you missed Dennis Fett, the Clarinet Playing Peacock Farmer from Minden, Iowa, Co-Owner of the Peacock Information Center's appearance on the Tonight Show starring Jay Leno on Friday 12-19-08, playing his disappearing clarinet act, In the segment called "Does This Impress Ed Asner". There is good news, you can read a full description of Dennis Fett's wonderful experience on the Tonight Show on our peafowl Blog web page. Click here to see photos and read the story!
Dennis Fett standing in front of the Artists' Entrance to the studio of the Tonight Show
2nd Photo is of Dennis Fett & Jay Leno courtesy of The NBC Tonight Show
View Dennis Fett's Tonight show recreation
See Dennis Fett & Debra Buck on Attitudes talk show Starring Linda Dano.
Click here to view