Your source for everything peafowl

Peacock Minute

Web TV Show

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Our web TV series, a “Peacock minute” is designed for short informative clips about our beloved peafowl/peacocks.  Sometimes, the subject matter requires more than a minute to explore. Our series is informative, educational, and will help you have all the answers to every question that you ever wanted to know about peacocks, peahens, and peachicks.  

The show is this hosted by Dennis Fett (A.K.A. Mr. Peacock) and co-hosted by Debra Joan Buck (AKA Mrs. Peacock) and filmed on location at Mr. Peacock’s Iowa peacock farm in rural Minden, Iowa.  

Mr. Peacock is also a retired music educator in the classroom for 42 years along with being a worldwide peacock expert for 43+ years.  Fett (A.K.A Mr.Peacock)  brings a multitude of experience to this show.  His quirky personality along with his “Mr. Rogers” like personality makes learning about peafowl easy for adults and children.   

Mr. Peacock has been seen on the Tonight Show, The Today show, Good Morning America, Hard Copy, Attitudes Talk Show on the Lifetime channel, Animal Planet Channel, Fox news Channel, 700 Club, and C-Span. Fett has made over 30 radio appearances, had 40 feature stories done on his work with peacocks in magazines, over 100 newspaper stories on his work with peacocks/peafowl.

If you viewed & enjoyed a Peacock Minute,
please consider a donation as it will help keep a Peacock Minute TV free for everyone.
Thank you for your donations it is much appreciated.
New Shows will be released here as they become available.

Please be sure to check out our YouTube page for additional up-to-date peafowl videos
Click here to view up-to-date new peacock videos

Peacocks/Peafowl 101
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock gives a presentation on 10-7-22 about Peacock/Peafowl 101 to the College Of Veterinary Medicine Avian club at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa USA. This lecture on peacocks/peafowl was geared for students of the veterinary medicine department of Iowa State University. The following topics covered in this presentation are as follows:  Peafowl Biological Classification, Housing, Feed, Eggs, Peachicks, Peacock Feather Production, Medication, Peafowl Behavior, Territorial Peafowl, Breeding, DNA Testing, Environmental Factors, Fun Stories.
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Why Do Peacocks Display
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. & Mrs Peacock gives their theory as to why peacocks display after their experience of raising them for over 39 years.
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Peacock Rodent Control
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives solutions to how to deal with rodents if you have peacocks or any other kind of poultry. 
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Decorating With Peacock Feathers
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock shows one way of how they use peacock feathers for decorations in their bathroom.
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500 Peacock Videos And Counting
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock talks about hitting 500+ Peacock and travel videos since launching his YouTube page in 2007.
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Congo Peacock Not Congo Peafowl
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock set the record straight on why people should not call the Congo Peafowl this name.
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Getting Peacocks Eating Mealworms
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells you how he got his peachicks and adult peafowl started eating mealworms, a very good source of protein.
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New Peachicks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock talks about adding new peachicks/blood lines of different color types of peafowl to his flock on his peacock farm.
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Climate Change And Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives his theory whether climate change is the reason for the increase in numbers of peafowl in Kerala India.
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Omega Egg Maker Year 2 Review
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock provides a review of the Omega Egg Maker product for the second year that he used it with his peacocks/peafowl feed for 4 months.
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Peacock Feet
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock “walk you through”  real peacock feet.
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Why Do Peacocks Yell
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks all about the yelling/screaming of peacocks on his farm. With 30+ years of experience raising peacocks,
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Peacock Eyes
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs. Peacock show the two kinds of eyes peacocks/peafowl have in this most fascinating video of the two eyes of peacocks.
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Our EF2 Tornado 5 Years Later
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock talks about how long it takes to recover physically, emotionally and financially from the EF2 tornado that destroyed and devastated their peacock farm in 2014. 
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Do Peacock see colors
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock explores if peacocks and peahens can see colors.
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Hypnotizing Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock knows that peacocks have a hypnotizing effect on all who see them in their aristocratic dance of showing off their feathers during the summer.
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Peacocks First Snow
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows how his 5 2019 hatch Black Shoulder Males react to their first snow of the winter.
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Getting Peacocks Ready For Winter
On the latest episode of a Peacock Minute, Mr. Peacock shows you how to get your peacocks/peafowl ready for winter.
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Wild Peacock problems
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock talks about problems associated with peacocks and peahens running wild in various neighborhoods all around the USA.
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Mr. Peacock’s Shout Out
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shouts out to all his viewers of his YouTube Channel all around the world and also his former students.
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Peacocks and Veterinarians
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about medications used for peafowl and poultry today.  Many medication that once were available over the counter now require a relationship with a veterinarian and a prescription in order to use or get these once common medications purchased over the counter. 
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Waterers For Adult Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock show and reviews the Miller Manufacturing Company’s 3 gallon plastic poultry waterers that are good for peacocks/peafowl and other poultry in the summer.
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Peacock Pens and Grass
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tell how to deal with grass growing in one of his pens.  Learn all about how Mr peacock solved the problem.
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Peacock Eye Sight
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock talks about how peacocks/peafowl can see bugs when humans can not. 
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Wacky Peacock Song  On Clarinet
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tries an experiment to see how the peacocks, peahens and peachicks would react when he played The Wacky Peacock Song on his Clarinet in the peafowl pens.
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Mr. Peacock’s cooling clothing
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock have a fashion show of the clothing they wear when the heat and humidity gets to 95°F to 100°F with dew points reaching up to 90°F.
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Peahen Egg Size And Weight
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks all about peahen egg size and weight.  
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Pine shavings for peacocks and peachicks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows how he uses pine shavings as bedding for peachicks and adult peacocks/peafowl in his pens.
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Telling The Sex Of Peacock Eggs
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock answers the question if you can tell the sex of a peahen (peacock) egg before its hatched out in 28 days.
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Banding adult peacocks (peafowl)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows  how he bands his adult peafowl (peahens, peacocks).
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Peacock Feathers Falling out too soon
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock examines why a peacock lost his tail feathers in April,  months before they fall out naturally in July through August in North America. 
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ASMR Hatching Peacock/peahen Eggs
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock promotes Peahen (peacock) Hatching Egg for your collection of poultry on your country land.
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Making peahens sit on eggs
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock answers the question, “Can you  make a peahen sit on eggs” or “actually place eggs in a specific spot for the peahen to sit on”.  Learn the answer by watching this video.
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Age Peahens Stop laying Eggs
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells how long a peahen (girl peacock) will lay eggs and what age she might stop laying eggs.
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Peachicks and Peacocks Treats

On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. peacock shows how to keep peachicks (peacocks) friendly by giving them treats of mealy worms that will give them added protein in addition to 28-30% protein game birds food needed to grow up to be healthy peacocks and peahen.

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Fox Raccoon Critter Gitter and peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows how Raccoons and foxes can cause havoc on the peacock farm.  The product called Critter Gitter has kept raccoons away and out of the peacock barn.
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Peacock Takes Feathers Back
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock was collecting Buddy the pet peacock feathers when he kept taking them back from him.  This was a new thing Buddy was doing. 
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Coyote Skunk Fight On The Peacock Farm
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows a Coyote fighting with a skunk on the Peacock farm one evening.  Coyotes and skunks have been on and near our Peacock farm and I’m sure many other farms over the years. This video shows what goes on in the middle of the night when no one is around to watch them.   
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Mr. Peacocks protective clothing
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shows how he has to dress to protect himself during pesticides spraying season (April-August) in rural Iowa.  This video will show you what you have to wear if you have the same issues of pesticides drifting on your land and you need to be safe and be outside.  
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White Peacock On Mower
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shows and tells all about rescuing a lost white peacock bringing him home to his peacock barn on our lawn mower.
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Iowa Interstate Steam Engine 6988 and peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells how surprised he was one morning to see the Iowa Interstate steam engine # 6988 chugging down the tracks next to Mr.  Peacock’s Farms. The peacocks were able to hear steam engine No. 6988 along with Mr. Peacock long before it passed by the peacock farm.  Enjoy this video of the Class QJ 2-10-2 steam locomotive built in 1985 by the Datong Locomotive Works for the Ji Tong Railway Of China.  IAIS 6988 was "Americanized" in time for operation at Train Festival 2011 in Rock Island, Illinois
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Peahen Laying an egg
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows a video he captured one night of his white peahen laying an egg using his game camera’s night vision. 
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Peahen Stealing an Egg
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about how he discovered a blue peahen who was stealing eggs from a white peahen in the cage next to her. Enjoy this fascinating night time video captured by a game camera with night vision showing how cleaver and resourceful this peahen is in filling up her nest.
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ASMR Baby Peacocks (peachicks) Stress Relief
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock helps you reduce stress by watching the very cute peachicks (baby peacock/peafowl) playing and enjoying life several days after hatching.  We are featuring a very talented young actress//vocalist/songwriter/musician, Angelle Waltz and her very soothing ASMR voice.
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ASMR Peacock Stress Relief

On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock helps you reduce stress using peacocks even if you are no where near them.   We are featuring a very talented young actress//vocalist/songwriter/musician, Angelle Waltz and her very soothing ASMR voice.  This ASMR Peacock Stress Relief is a must view video if you have stress. 

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ASMR Soothing Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock features a very talented young actress//vocalist/songwriter/musician, Angelle Waltz and her very soothing ASMR talk about peacocks.
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Millers Heated Waterer Review for peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives a product review of the 3 gallon Heated poultry/peacock waterer by Miller Manufacturing
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-17°F below zero and peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows and tells all about keeping your peacocks/peafowl safe in Winter time with  -17° below zero Fahrenheit
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Peacock Shout Out
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shouts out to all his students past and present along with all his peacock fans.
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Peacock Feather Production
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock teaches all about peacock feather and  the cycle of feathers falling out to growing back.
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Orange & Pink Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shows his two new colors of peacocks he developed on his peacock farm, the Orange and Pink peacocks.
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White Peacocks Frolicking
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shares videos of his own white peacocks frolicking around his Peacock Farm.
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Peacocks Rattling Mating Call
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock reviews a scientific study he found about peacocks rattling their tail feathers to attract the peahens.
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Barnee Pumpman
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock’s new friend Barnee Pumpman showes off his new winter jacket to keep his water from freezing at 32°F to below zero fahrenheit.  See Barnee’s new winter jacket and how it works during the winter months.
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Snow On Peacock Pens
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows and tells all about how a recent heavy wet snow collapsed one of his peacock pens making it  unaccessible to get into. Learn what you can do to solve this problem.
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Crossing Blue & White peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells what happens when you cross blue peafowl and white peafowl. he tells you how to do the crossing.
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Favorite color of peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock Talks about his favorite color type of peacocks/peafowl.
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Oaten or new color of peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock describes a possible new color of Oaten peafowl he developed on his Peacock farm.  See and learn all about this possible new color type of peacocks/peafowl.
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Eyewatch Detector Review
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives his review of the HomeBrite Solar Powered Motion Detector called “Eyewatch”.
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Buying Peacock Feathers
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about where some peacock feathers come from.
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Grass in my Peacock Pen
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about being surprised when his one Peacock pen grows grass for the first time in 32 years.
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Help, my peacocks are attacking me
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about why some people think their peacocks are attacking them. 
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Brower waterer base review
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives his review on the Brower Tip Over Poly Base waterer for your peafowl.
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Clipping Peacock Feathers
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives you the definitive answer on whether you should or should not clip your peacock/peafowl wings.
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LED Lights for Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells all about how he was one of the first to use LED lighting in the peacocks pens.
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Peachicks Frolicking
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows his peachicks (baby peacocks) frolicking along with momma peahen weeks after they were hatched out by mom.  
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Peacock and peachick cages
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows and tells all about the different cages he uses as his peachicks grow up.
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Peahens Hatching Peachicks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells you if should leave your peahen with newly hatched out peachicks with older peafowl in the same pen.
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Omega Egg Maker review for peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock provides a review of the Omega Egg Maker product that he used in his peacocks/peafowl feed for 4 months.
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Corn Causing Heat in Peacock
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock addresses the issue of  corn causing  problems with heat internally during the summer
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Nite Guard Solar review for peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives his review of Nite Guard Solar
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Critter Gitter Review for peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock reviews a product that he purchased to be a deterrent for,  coyotes, bobcats, and other assorted wild animals of the night (and humans too).
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Dry mealworms for peachicks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock Gives additional information on feeding dry mealworms to older peachicks.
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Feeding Adult Peacocks/peafowl
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells what he feeds his adult peacocks/peafowl 6 months old and older. 
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Stinky The Skunk part two
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells how the skunks moved from his front porch
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Stinky The Skunk part one
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows & tells all about his dilemma with stinky the skunk causing his house to have a beautiful perfume all of winter until he figured out how to get rid of them out from underneath the porch.
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Save The Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells all about the new program he has started to “Save The Peacocks".
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Tips for safe pesticide application near organic farms and peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells about safe tips to keep organic/chemical free farms safe from herbicides, fungicides and insecticides drifting off target.
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Are Peacock Farmers Real Farmers
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock asked the question, “Is a peacock farmer really a farmer? He explores this very interesting question living in the middle of Iowa’s corn, soy beans, cows and pigs and provides his answer at the end of the video.  
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Insecticides and Helicopters endangers Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock was surprised when he was doing chores one evening that a helicopter was spraying dangerous insecticides very close to his farm. 
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SpyPoint Solar Game Camera Review
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock reviews his 4 SpyPoint Solar game cameras that keep an eye on his peafowl/peacocks.
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Getting cracked corn for peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows you how he gets his wagon full of cracked corn several times a year on his peacock farm.
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Banding peachicks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells all about banding his peachicks.
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Nite Guard Repellent Tape for peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock reviews how they use Nite Guard Repellent Tape to protect their peafowl from coyotes, bobcats and other flying predators attacking their birds.
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GQF 1588 incubator review
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock gives his review of GQF’s 1588 Genesis Hova-Bator incubator
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Wild/feral peacock problems
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about wild/feral peacocks/peafowl that are causing problems in cities world wide.
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Mealworms Munchies for peachicks/peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock reviews a product he found called Mealworms Munchies.  Learn all about how this product works with his newly hatched  peachicks.
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Peacock eggs eaten by Raccoon
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about who is eating his duck and peahen/peacock eggs on his farm. See the culprit involved in this eating episode
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White peacock and skunk showdown
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.Peacock shows how the white peacock gets along with a skunk.
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Buddy The Pet Peacock
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock tells all about Buddy, their 3 year old pet peacock.
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Peacocks Treats
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock shows and tells all about how peacocks love cat food and how it keeps the moving and give added energy during below zero (Fahrenheit) temperatures on their Iowa peacock farm.
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Flying Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. peacock talks and shows how high peacocks can fly in his 40 foot tall barn.
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Heated Peacock waterer review

On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock reviews the heated poultry/peacock fountain waterer manufactured by Farm Innovators. Model HP-125.  Mr. Peacock was lucky to have his water not freeze at -20°F when the unit is only rated to 0°F.  However some units may leak and freeze up as 4 did for Mr. Peacock.

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Heated Peacock Waterers
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock tells all about they keep their water from freezing every winter from 32°F  to -20°F.
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Peacock Cold Weather Questions
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock answer questions about heating the peacock barn and pens and talk about using electricity for heating water in cold climates.
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Peacock Water insulation
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock shows & tells all about how you keep your water hydrant from freezing in below freezing to below zero temperatures. 
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Peacocks -20° below zero
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock shows and tells what to do to minimize the demise of their peafowl/peacocks when it’s -20° below zero on their Peacock farm.
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Developing Cameo & Oaten Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about his new Cameo blood line of peafowl after his devastating tornado of 2014.  He was surprised on getting a brand new color type of Oaten peafowl along with 4 other standard color types.  
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Cameo & Oaten Peacock Differences
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows and tells all about the differences between a Cameo (chocolate color peacock) peacocks and an Oaten Peacocks.
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Protecting peacocks from predators
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shows and tells all about how he keeps his peacocks and other poultry safe on his peacock farm from being attacked from predators such as bobcats and coyotes.
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Black Shoulder Peahens (peacocks) Colors
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about how all Black Shoulders peahens are not identical with their color markings. 
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He or She Peacock #2
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shows his peahen changing her feathers into a male peacocks feathers.  This is the 5th time this has happened to one of his best peahen egg layer.  If you have any speculation, ideas, proof of what’s causing this, please leave a comment on our video. We will explore all idea submitted
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Feeding Peacocks & Cats
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows what its like during feeding time on the peacock farm every day.
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White peachicks growing up
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about his white peachicks growing up since being mailed to his peacock farm.
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Turning Peacocks (peafowl) Loose
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells all about how you train your peacocks/peafowl to run wild on your land.
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Age Peahens lay eggs
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about what age your peahens will lay eggs.
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Peacocks living with Chickens
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about peacocks/peafowl living with chickens and the possibility of getting the dreaded disease called Blackhead Disease also known as Histomonosis.
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Feeding Peachicks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells and shows how he feeds his peachicks (baby peacock chicks) after they hatch.
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Peacock Adoption
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells of his new adoption program for unwanted peacocks/peafowl from around the USA.
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Peacocks, Geese & Coyotes
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about the attack of wild coyotes on the peacock farm and carnage they left behind killing 8 geese, 2 cats and scaring all of the peacock.
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Peahen (girl peacock) changes to peacock
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells  & shows all about the Peahen (girl peacock) that turned into a peacock.
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Cats & Peacock Feathers
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows and tells you how much cats like peacock feathers.
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Helping Peachicks (peacock) to Hatch
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows you how he helps a peachick hatch out when the egg is to dry.
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Hand Feeding Peachicks (peacocks)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells how you can hand feed a peachicks (baby peacock) when they do not want to eat or drink.
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Finding A Lost Peacock (peafowl)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells how to find and capture a lost peacock (peafowl).
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Peacock Feather Aerobics
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock tells all about exercising doing peacock feather aerobics.
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Unwanted peacock
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock tells all about  when a lost Peacock is found in the chicken coop.
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Keeping Peacocks Off Porch
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells you how to keep Peacocks (peafowl) Off a Porch.
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Fighting Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.Peacock tells all about when peacocks fight.
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Age Of Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.Peacock shows you how to tell the age of you peacock.
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Peacocks As Watch Dogs
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.Peacock tells all about how his peacocks are his watch dogs.
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Catching A Peacock (peafowl)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about catching a peacock (peafowl).
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Crop Dusters & Peacocks (peafowl)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows and tells about the problems associated with crop dusters around your peacocks (peafowl) farm.
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Peacocks as Pets
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about his pet peacocks.
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Peacock (peafowl) in The City
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells all about keeping peacocks (peafowl) in the city.
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Baby Peacocks (peafowl) Ducks & Geese
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about how he houses all of his baby ducks, geese and peachicks together until they grow up. 
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Heat & Peacocks (peafowl)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells how his peacocks (peafowl) handles 98°F and 85°F dew points humidity during summer.
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Colors of Peacocks
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. tells all about the controversial subject of color types of peacocks (peafowl).
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Peacock Statues
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock shows their new peacock Statues.  
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Mailing Peachicks (baby peacocks)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock receives peachicks (baby Peacocks) in the mail. 
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Peacocks loosing feathers
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about why your peacock is loosing his feathers every July in North America.
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Housing your Peacocks (peafowl)
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks all about housing your peacocks (peafowl).
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What incubator do you use
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells everyone what incubator he uses for his peahen (peacock) eggs.
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How long does it take to hatch a peahen egg
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock tells how long it takes to hatch a peahen (peacock) egg in an incubator.
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Why Won’t My Eggs Hatch
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock talks about, Why Won’t My Peahen (peacock) Eggs hatch.
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How to make a peahen (peacock) egg candler
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock shows us how to make a candler for peahen hatching eggs.  This candler will work on all kinds of eggs.
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Teaching Peahicks (baby peacocks) to eat
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows you how to get your peachicks to eat once they hatch .
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Moving peachicks (baby peacocks) to new pen
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows moving peachicks (baby peacocks) to a new pen.
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Peahen (girl peacock) Egg Development
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shows you all about peahen (girl Peacock)  egg development.
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Peacock Lawn Ornaments
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock’s shows all of his Peacock Lawn Ornaments.
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Peachick (peacock) hatching out of egg
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. and Mrs Peacock shows a peachick hatching out of an egg.
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Mr. Peacock & Friends
The TV Show

Mr & Mrs peacock PR

“Mr. Peacock & Friends” is hosted by Dennis Fett (AKA Mr. Peacock) and co-hosted by Debra Joan Buck (AKA Mrs. Peacock) on location at Mr. Peacock’s Iowa peacock farm in rural Minden, Iowa.

Dennis Fett is the host and creator of “Mr. Peacock & Friends,” As a music educator in the classroom the last 42 years along with being a worldwide peacock expert for 36 years; Fett brings a multitude of experience to this show. 

His quirky personality along with his “Mr. Rogers” like personality has kids enjoying learning without realizing they are learning.  This is something needed in today’s TV market place.  “Mr. Peacock & Friends,” will even find the parents wanting to view each show along with their child.

Fett has been seen on the Tonight Show, Buck and Fett have also been seen on The Today show, Good Morning America, Hard Copy, Attitudes Talk Show on the Lifetime channel, Animal Planet Channel, Fox news Channel, 700 Club, and C-Span. Fett has made over 30 radio appearances, had 40 feature stories done on his work with peacocks in magazines, over 100 newspaper stories on his work with peacocks/peafowl. 

Dennis Fett and Debra Joan Buck have penned two self published books in 1986 & 1990 on peacocks titled, “The Wacky World Of Peafowl”, Volume 1 & 2”.   They also produced 2 DVDs under the same title. “The Wacky World Of Peafowl” The DVD, Volume 1 & 2 ,  “The Wacky World Of Peafowl” Volume 1 & 2 are the first ever eBooks on Peacocks available on the iTunes book store and on his web site 

Mr. Peacock & Friends,
The TV show DVD, Season one.

At last, Mr. Peacock & Friends, season one is available on DVD.  The DVD includes all of the 19 episodes, 96 minutes long including the following segments: introduction to the show, tour of the Peacock farm, The Wacky Peacock Song, blue peafowl, white peafowl, black shouldered peafowl, cameo peafowl, incubating hatching eggs, hatching peachicks, Peachicks get new home, peacocks showing off, peacocks losing feathers, juggling feathers, peachicks new home, peacocks & pets, dancing peacocks, yelling peacocks, peacocks and weather, what peacocks eat.

The cost of the DVD is $19.99 plus shipping by the USPS, USA Only.

Order with you credit card
Click here to order from our store.

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If you viewed & enjoyed Mr. Peacock & Friends,
please consider a donation as it will help keep Mr. Peacock & Friends TV free for everyone.

Thank you for your donations it is much appreciated.

New Shows will be released here as they become available.

Check out Mr. Peacock & Friends The TV Show here!
Complimentary Clips from Media

Season Two

Season 2 Show 201
Our special friend called Quacky Peacock. You will have to watch the entire episode to learn why he is so very special to us and everyone who see him.
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Season 2 Show 202
Our night time visitor which has a fragrance you do not want!
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Season 2 Show 203
Our night time visitor part 2,  stinky the skunk which took over the peacock house for 36 hours. Not a fun time on the peacock farm.  This is an episode you cannot miss.  Mr. Peacock almost got a new perfume when he did chores.
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Season 2 Show 204
Peacocks play tag or as I call it, playful fighting.  Don't worry,  the peacocks never get hurt as they seem to have fun and are playing like this all the time during the summer months.  It's always fun to watch this activity every summer on our farm. 
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Season 2 Show 205
 The mystery of our giant peahen egg. It was found while collecting eggs one evening and it was bigger than a goose egg.  Watch and find out what was inside of this mysterious egg.
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Season 2 Show 206
We will show you how strong a peachicks vocal cords are at two weeks old.  In addition you have to watch the entire video and watch the peachick get annoyed with the camera at the very end. How amusing.  The peachicks do this call so mom can find them if they get lost in the wild. This is a perfectly normal call for peachicks to make.
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Season 2 Show 207
How peahens sleep with their peachicks at night.  This night ritual is so amusing to see every evening as the peachicks jockeying for the perfet position under mom's wings.
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Season 2 Show 208
What our poor dog Snowball has to put up with everyday, dealing with the Peacock trying to eat her food.
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Season 2 Show 209
Mr. Peacock shares his favorite season of the year with all his friends, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Peacock shows their viewers one of the many things they are thankful for, their peacocks.
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Season 2 Show 210
Different kinds of peacock feathers on a peacock.  You may be surprised that there are many different kinds of feathers on a peacock.
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Season 2 Show 211
Our white Peacock's new friend. It's so fun to watch him make friends with this adorable, fuzzy…well you'll just have to watch it to find out what's so adorable about white peacock and his new friend!
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Season 2 Show 212
Christmas, the peacock way.  Join Mr. & Mrs. Peacock as they show you how they get ready to celebrate Christmas on the Peacock farm.
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Season 2 Show 213
Mr. & Mrs Peacock show you the peacocks new room mates who moved in the peacock house.  Their new friends the Barn Swallows! 
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Season 2 Show 214
 Mr. & Mrs Peacock shows you how their peacocks find a place on the farm to survive the heat and humidity.  And we might add, they do a lot better than their human counterparts.
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Season 2 Show 215
Mr. & Mrs Peacock shows you how they hatch out their peachicks in an incubator.  This episode will show you how to get your own peachicks off to a good start.  
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Season 2 Show 216
 Mr. & Mrs Peacock shows you how their Cameo/Chocolate color peahen and their India Blue feral peahen hatches out their peachicks.  Definitely a fun video to watch over and over again.
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Season 2 Show 217
Mr. & Mrs Peacock show you  how peacocks take baths.  You will be surprised to see how they take their baths, it's not what you would think.
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Season 2 Show 218
 Mr. & Mrs Peacock show you where their peacocks sleep at night!  A bit different than your human counterparts.
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Season 2 Show 219
 Mr. & Mrs Peacock show you how three black shoulder peachicks grow up from the egg to 14 weeks old!  
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Season 2 Show 220
The 20th episode (show 220) of season 2,  Mr. & Mrs Peacock show you how their feral/wild Peacocks eat and how the peacocks in the pen eat.
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If you viewed & enjoyed Mr. Peacock & Friends,
please consider a donation as it will help keep Mr. Peacock & Friends TV free for everyone.

Thank you for your donations it is much appreciated.

New Shows will be released here as they become available.

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Season One
Mr. Peacock & Friends

Show 101A
introduction to the Show, Mr. Peacock & Friends,
"Mr. Peacock & Friends" is hosted by Dennis Fett (AKA Mr. Peacock) and co-hosted by Debra Joan Buck (AKA Mrs. Peacock) on location at Mr. Peacock's Iowa peacock farm in rural Minden, Iowa.
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Show 101B
Tour of the Peacock Farm
"Mr. Peacock & Friends" is hosted by Dennis Fett (AKA Mr. Peacock) and co-hosted by Debra Joan Buck (AKA Mrs. Peacock) on location at Mr. Peacock's Iowa peacock farm in rural Minden, Iowa
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Show 101C
The Wacky Peacock Song
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tell you how they got all their peacock in a song, The Wacky Peacock.
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Show 102A
All about Blue peafowl
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tells and shows you all about blue peafowl.
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Show 102B
All about White peafowl
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tells and shows you all about whie peafowl.
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Show 102C
All about Black Shoulder peafowl
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tells and shows you all about Black Shoulder peafowl.
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Show 102D
All about Cameo Chocolate peafowl
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tells and shows you all about Cameo/Chocolate peafowl.
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Show 103A
How we collect our peahen hatching eggs.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tells and shows how they collect their peahen hatching eggs.
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Show 103B
Hatching peachicks.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tells and shows how we hatch out our peachicks and care for them.

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Show 103C
Peacocks getting new home.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tells and shows how they move their peachicks from the incubator to the first cage.
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Show 104A
Peacock displaying (showing off).
Mrs. Peacock tell and show how peacocks display and show off their feathers all summer long.
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Show 104B
Peacocks loosing feathers.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tell and shows how they collect all the peacock feathers on their farm after they fall out naturally each July.
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Show 104C
Things you can do with peacock feathers.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tell and shows how you can have fun with peacock feathers.
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Show 105A
Peachick’s new pen.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tell and shows how you move your peachicks to their new big peacock pen at 9 weeks old.
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Show 105B
Peacocks & pets.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock tell and shows how peacocks get along with dogs, cats and pets on the farm.
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Show 105C
Dancing peacocks.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock shows their dancing peacocks on their farm.
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Show 106A
Yelling peacocks.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock shows their yelling peacocks on their farm. What can we say but this video speaks for itself!
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Show 106B
Peacocks & weather.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock shows how peacock do in the rain and heat.
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Show 106C
What peacocks eat.
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock shows you what peacocks eat on the peacock farm.
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If you viewed & enjoyed Mr. Peacock & Friends,
please consider a donation as it will help keep Mr. Peacock & Friends TV free for everyone.

Thank you for your donations it is much appreciated.

New Shows will be
released here as they become available.