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The latest news in the world about peacock/peafowl from The Peafowl Report, The On Line Edition, sponsored by, The Peacock Information Center,

December, 28, 2015
Dennis Fett (AKA Mr. Peacock) co-owner of is in the news about his work the Wild peafowl of California.
A short mention in a long article. Worth reading!

November 8, 2015

Dennis Fett (AKA Mr. Peacock) co-owner of is in the news about his opinion why zoos are purging them self of peacocks.


Why zoos are purging themselves of peacocks
They may look pretty, but don’t get too close with those french fries.

August 5, 2015

We are in the news again along with the wild Peafowl Of California, year 23. AND THE TRAPPING BEGINS! NOT A GOOD ENDING FOR THE PEAFOWL THERE…SOOOO SAD!!!!!!!! They all need to come to The Peacock Information Center in Iowa...…/article_6b64c96c-3bdc-11e5-9192-23e…

RPV could trap 150 peafowl a year
Rancho Palos Verdes is set to begin an aggressive $34,115 peafowl trapping effort to curb complaints from homeowners who say their neighborhoods have become overrun by a population explosion.

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Our tornado restored barn !

On June 3, 2014 at 4:58 PM our Peacock farm was devastated by an EF 2 tornado with 135 MPH winds that uprooted 40+ trees and destroyed
60 other trees and destroyed 1/2 of the peacock barn and pens.  

We are happy to announce that after six months of restoration, everything is repaired, fixed and we and the peacocks are excited about our new and improved peacock farm. We have added many new improvements to our peacock farm and expect the best years ahead ever. We hope to service all our peafowl clients even better in the years to come with our newly improved facilities.

If you have not viewed our after tornado video please do so:  
Click here to view the tornado video


June 1, 2015
Was Interviewed by way of FaceTime today by Global New, one of the 3 major TV networks in Canada regarding A lost peacock.
Peacock expert offers advice on how to bring Toronto Peacock back to its home.…/peacock-expert-offers-advice-on-how…/

Peacock expert offers advice on how to bring Toronto Peacock back to its home | Watch News...
Watch Peacock expert offers advice on how to bring Toronto Peacock back to its home Video Online, on

April 29, 2015

The first shipment of peahen hatching eggs went out today. That means we are off and running for the 2015 hatching egg season.
Will be collecting eggs seven days a week from now until the middle of September. This is an exciting time for us on our peacock farm.
This is what I do every night after dark when I collect our peahen eggs, this news story was done on our local Omaha, Nebraska NBC affiliate WOWT channel 6. last year this time. I hope you enjoy seeing it again or for the first time.…/Late-Nights-On-The-Peacock-Farm-26071…

John At Work: A Late Night On The Peacock Farm
Late nights on the peacock farm are nothing new for Dennis Fett and his wife Deb. When 11:00 pm rolls around they're just getting started on one of their most important chores: collecting eggs.

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February 22, 2015
In the news again. Was mentioned again on some of the information I provided this community back in the middle 90s and again this year.…/living-with-peafowl-plants-pru…

Living with peafowl: Plants, pruning can keep birds away
“The Palos Verdes Peninsula has many sights to see, crashing waves, rolling hills and peacocks in the trees. Yes, peacocks in the trees.”

January 8, 2015
In the news about Peacocks tonight. I have been involved with this community since the early 90s. I rescue many of their birds and now we have 3rd and 4th generations of their birds on our farm here in Iowa. It's sad to say that I now have more of their birds on our farm in Minden Iowa. This is been an ongoing problem for people in this community. And we've been happy to help in any way we could do in preserving the birds and keeping peace among the people who live with them. A very difficult task I might add. Read the story and see for yourself.…/tsn-vsl-nothing-afoul-in-lo…

Nothing afoul in low bird count, animal keeper says
In 1999, when La Cañada residents in the city’s Highlands area off Angeles Crest Highway got their feathers ruffled over a flock of resident peafowl damaging cars, gardens, lawns and eardrums, city officials sprung into action.

March 1, 2014
Deb Buck's (AKA Mrs Peacock) peacock book that she wrote and published eight years ago in hard back is now available on the iTunes Store. It is entitled The Adventures of Purdy Peacock...The Adventures of Purdy Peacock stories have a meaningful message showing kindness and hope in this ever changing world. They show the struggles of being poor and the mysteries of life itself. You will be encouraged after reading this very uplifting and inspirational collection of short stories for the entire family. These inspirational stories are based on true events that actually have happened.…/adventures-purdy-pe…/id826735372…

The Adventures of Purdy Peacock
Read a sample or download The Adventures of Purdy Peacock by Debra Joan Buck with iBooks.

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March 1, 2014
Good news, A book that I wrote in the mid 90s about a true life peacock story called, The white peacock that ran away from the circus is now available for sale on the iTunes store to purchase for $5.99. If your a PC person and not an Apple person you can also download it off of our website as well for the same price. A fun short story read for your kids and grandkids and even yourself.…/white-peacock-that-…/id826981886…

The White Peacock That Ran Away from the Circus
Read a sample or download The White Peacock That Ran Away from the Circus by Dennis M. Fett with iBooks.

Mr. Peacock & Friends,
The TV show DVD, Season one.

Click to purchase and view

"The Wacky World Of Peafowl", Volume 1 & 2  

as an eBook for your PC, iPad, iPad mini or you Mac

Click Here to download Volume 1, 

Click Here to download Volume 2, 

Newly remastered, The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1, Newly released, The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock, the DVD, & The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 2, See the movie trailer of all below!

Click here to order The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock, the DVD!

Click here to order The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1 & 2

See our new friend,
Quacky Peacock, One of a kind!
Click this to view video.

Also view his other two videos!
Click the below to view
Quacky, Mystery Peacock
Quacky, The Trumpet Playing Peacock

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Tonight Show

If you missed Dennis Fett, the Clarinet Playing Peacock Farmer from Minden, Iowa, Co-Owner of the Peacock Information Center's  appearance on the Tonight Show starring Jay Leno on Friday 12-19-08, playing his disappearing clarinet act, In the segment called "Does This Impress Ed Asner".  There is good news, you can read a full description of Dennis Fett's wonderful experience on the Tonight Show on our peafowl Blog web page. Click here to see photos and read the story!

Dennis Fett standing in front of the Artists' Entrance to the studio of the Tonight Show

Photo is of Dennis Fett & Jay Leno courtesy of The NBC Tonight Show 

View Dennis Fett's Tonight show recreation

See Dennis Fett & Debra Buck on Attitudes talk show Starring Linda Dano.
Click here to view

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1, The Movie Trailer

Get a sneak peak of The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD Volume 1, newly remastered video.

You've got to check it out!

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 2,
The Movie Trailer

Get a sneak peak of this instructional peafowl/peacock video,
You've got to check it out!

The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock,
The Movie Trailer

Get a sneak peak of this inspirational and upliftting video,
You've got to check it out!