Your source for everything peafowl

Peafowl Rescue
Peacock Consultant Page

Save The Peacocks

Peacocks (peafowl) are being captured in several places in North America such as California and Canada and could be euthanized if good homes cannot be found in both locations and in addition to other places across the USA. The capturing of peacocks/peafowl has peacock lovers up in arms and dozens of people have and are still contacting us for advice on the phone, e-mail or on location in dealing with trouble/recalcitrant peacocks/peafowl. 

Dennis Fett, (AKA Mr. Peacock) founder of the Peacock Information Center has consulted with people/communities in Florida, California, Nevada, Texas, Hawaii, New York City, London UK, Australia, Canada and Ireland with complaints of peacocks making noise, attacking cars, defecating all over, eating vegetation and assorted other complaints.

With this influx of Peacock/peafowl problems, we have been compelled to let people know they can partner with us because of the 100’s of phone calls we get by providing financial support/donations to help communities and us helping individuals solve peacock problems by: researching issues, making an assessment, providing strategies, town hall meetings, management plan, and an adoption service to re-home and keep peacocks/peafowl safe.

You can make a donation by clicking on the icon that says donate


Peacock/Peafowl consultant, rescue, adoption & relocation!

Our Peafowl Rescue & Consulting Services are a for profit service and not a free service. The only funding we get comes from the fees we charge for our services. We ARE NOT FUNDED by anything other than the fees we charge. There are free tips below on this page that may help you. If you need one on one help by us by phone, e-mail, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, then please be advised we have to charge for this service. (charges listed below)

Our FREE web videos series called, a
Peacock Minutes may have some of the answers you are looking for. If our free video series have helped you, please donate what you can to keep these videos free for all to view.  You can make a donation by clicking this link Your donation supports the making of future videos and we thank all for any donations given.

As peafowl/peacocks become popular, more and more of them become lost or displaced. Many people have them in areas where city and county codes do not allow peafowl or any kind of poultry. Many areas have once been country and are now being built up and this has caused problems for the area peafowl and their owners. The requests for help have become overwhelming in recent years that we now provide a free set of tips, along with a new fee based service to help out the 1000's of inquiries we get each year.

The purpose of this page is to provide a place for the displaced peacocks, peahens and peachicks find their home or to be adopted into a new home. The Peacock Information Center is aware that peafowl can and do get lost from time to time and may cause problems to people losing them and those finding them. We want to assist all those needing help in the rescuing, adopting and in the relocation of all displaced peafowl.

Below you will find resources that may be helpful to people needing help or relief from the problems of lost or unwanted peafowl/peacocks on their property.

Donation for help with lost birds.

Standard consultation fee for help with any Peacock/Peafowl consultation.

This service is charged at $250 an hour, a minimum of one hour regardless of whether the full hour is used.

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Free tips for when your birds are lost or you find a peacock, peahen or a peachick.

1. Call around the area and ask who lost or has peafowl or if anyone has seen your bird.

2. Call local ASPCA or animal rescue to see if they can help you in the capture or placement of the bird.

3. Find a local poultry person to help you find your bird or place the lost bird in a new home. Or ask them if they might take the lost bird for you.

4. If you live in an urban area or in a city, call animal control to help in the rescue of the displaced bird or ask them if they will help you find your bird.

5. Place an ad in your local newspaper or call the local TV station to help find the home of the lost bird.

6. If all else fails, it is time to attain the services of the Peacock Information Center's Rescue, adoption & relocation & consultation service. The Peacock Information Center's Rescue, adoption and relocation service is the United State’s only experienced peafowl service specializing in dealing with cities of all sizes. In addition to assisting cities of all sizes, we are and have helped private individuals in finding a humane and sensible solution to any peafowl problem without harming or killing any peafowl. We currently have clients on retainer and help our clients by way of e-mail, phone, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, and in person & on location. We guarantee your privacy and confidentiality by never disclosing our client list or names to anyone!

Feel free to call us (712-483-2473, please leave a message if we are not available. Please note, we are on Central Standard Time) to see if we are able to assist you. We do not charge for the first 3 minutes of our conversation as we want to see if we can help you with your problem. Additional phone support will be billed as stated below. Once we come to an agreement on our first phone call on the type of services you require.

We look forward to working with you in the near future and hope a solution can be found for your problem!

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Peacock/Peafowl Consultant Fee services

The Peacock Information Center has a consultant fee service for assisting people in:

a) Assessment of a population of any size of wild/feral peafowl in rural or city settings around the world. Write or call for fee

b) Adoption service for unwanted peafowl. Locally or on our website. Write or call for fee.

c) Relocating services of lost, displaced or unwanted peafowl. Write or call for fee.

d) E-mail support: fees are 10.00 per question, payable in advance by Money order or Overseas in US funds payable to a USA bank. Or use your Credit card by Clicking on the PayPal button below to have your question/s answered.

Credit card E-mail support: fees are $10.00 per question

Phone/Video support is billed at $2.25 per minute, minimum charge of $25.20 for 10 minutes. Payable in advance by money order or Overseas in US funds payable to a USA bank by mail. Or use your Credit card by Clicking on the PayPal button below to have your question/s answered by phone.

Credit card Phone support, minimum charge of $25.20 for 10 minutes

Educational Seminar given to groups of all sizes world wide. Fees available on request.

g)  Peafowl/peacock Video consultation by way of Skype or FaceTime (if you have an Apple device).  This convenient service is used for communities or individuals needing immediate attention to their Peacocks/Peafowl related problems/issues.  This service is charged at $150 an hour, a minimum of two hours regardless of whether the full two hours are used.   

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hOff-site  peacock/peafowl Consultation.  Off-site (at your location) peacock/Peafowl consultation.  Please write or call for prices to attain our services.

i)  HD air quality stock peacock videos.  We can provide stock HD air quality video of Peacocks/peahens/peachicks for licensing, Or we can be commissioned to take HD air-quality video for your specific peacock shots needed.  If we are commissioned for specific shots needed for your project, please keep in mind that peacocks have-full tail feathers from February until September 1 on our Iowa USA farm. Wintertime shots of Peacocks frolicking in the snow with full tail feathers can be obtained during the month of December, January, and February, providing there's snow on the ground in Iowa, USA.

j)  Peacocks/peafowl stock photographs.  We have a vast library of hundreds of print quality peacocks/peafowl photographs that can be licensed for your ad campaign or any of your projects or we can take a specific picture at your request.

k)  Peacock/consultant/Wrangler.  We are also available as a peacock consultant/wrangler.  However, we cannot provide you with our own peacocks off our farm but we have worked with and also have connections with professional animal trainers on both the east and west coast who can provide those peacocks for your shoot or project.  We charge a peacock finders fee of $250 for providing you with resources to find Peacocks in your part of the country or world.  Please write or call us for our fees associated with  you on your next project.

Credit card find a peacock fee

l)  Film on location with all our Peacocks. Our 4 acres of color in the middle of corn country with all of our blue & white peacocks are available for rent for any movie, TV show or other project requiring still shots or videos of our Peacocks.  Keep in mind, peacocks have  full tail feathers during the months of February through September 1.  Please contact us with your specific dates to see if we have time and are available for your project. 

m)   Peacock/Peafowl relocation services.  We can assist you with peacock relocation services for lost or unwanted Peacocks/peafowl.  We can assist you on site or by email or by phone or via videoconferencing to help you find the best and safest environment for your relocated birds.   Space can be rented on our web site for peafowl needing new homes. 

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Peacock Sounds CD

sound CD photo

If you have lost your peacock, this sounds CD may be for you. This CD contains 66 minutes of peacock sounds. By playing this CD out of doors, it sometimes can help lost peafowl find their way home by following the peacock sounds. You can use this CD in one of two ways to help find your peafowl.
1. Newer CD players have a function that allows you to repeat a track on the CD. This will allow the CD to play forever or as long as you need to play it. 2. If you have an older CD player, you will have to manually hit play after each 66 minutes of playing of the peacock sounds CD.

$32.00 Each

Order now by mail using personal checks, cashiers checks, cash or money orders.

Please note, for your protection and ours, Credit Card/PayPal orders must be shipped to the address that the credit card is billed to regardless what it says on the PayPal order site.

Past issues of The Peafowl Report, that might help you with your problem.

July/August 2002 Volume 12, Number 2

Lead Story: Peafowl...pets or pests?

This fascinating story explores the issue of peafowl causing problems in communities not zoned for poultry and how some people have made peafowl into pets!

Inside story: Help! my peacock is attacking me and causing problems!

Are peafowl attacking people and if so, why are they doing it?
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July/August 2001 Volume 11, Number 2

California Castaways!

Learn about the sad and disturbing news of the capture of 50 plus wild India Blue peafowl in the cities of Rancho Palos Verdes and Polos Verdes Estate, California. The story tells of the two choices the two cities had and how and why they chose to capture the peafowl rather than to use a safer plan.

July/August 1999, Volume 9, Number 2

This fascinating story gives the reader the latest news update on how well the wild peafowl of California are surviving with their human counterparts.


Much to everyone's surprise, catching peafowl is not like catching chickens. Learn the proper technique on how to capture peafowl safely without harming them.

May/June 1999, Volume 9, Number 1

Learn what causes peafowl to make noise at night.

July/August 1998, Volume 8, Number 2

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Can peafowl protect you from intruders? You'll be surprised by the answer!!!

January/February 1997, Volume 6, Number 5

He flew the coop! See how he was returned home safely.

July/August 1996 Volume 6, Number 2


Tips to help with problem peafowl. This story will provide you information on bird barriers to keep peafowl out of gardens and off houses, cars and other areas!

November/December 1994 Volume 4, Number 4
Peacock Wars return

Learn about this community and their peafowl problem. Discover how man & peafowl learned to live together peacefully without killing or trapping the birds! Learn about a community with wild peafowl problems.

November/December 1992 Volume 2, Number 4
The White Peacock That Ran away from The Circus

Learn how to capture a run away peacock.

MARCH/APRIL 1992 VOLUME 1, Number 6
Rolling Hills Estate, California and their Wild Peafowl Problem!

Learn about this community and their peafowl problem. Discover how man & peafowl learned to live together peacefully without killing or trapping any birds!

January/February 1995, Volume 4, Number 5
Plants Peafowl like & dislike!

This list is based on research by the Peacock Information Center listing plants people owning peafowl should or should not have when owning peafowl.

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When ordering the above newsletter back issues, please specify which volume you wish to purchase.

The cost for one issue is $9.00 postage paid. (USA)

Credit card orders (USA only) $9.00 for one back issue (sent first class mail postage paid) using PayPal. Click on PayPal button below to order.

Mr. Peacock & Friends,
The TV show DVD, Season one.

Click to purchase and view

"The Wacky World Of Peafowl", Volume 1 & 2  

as an eBook for your PC, iPad, iPad mini or you Mac  

Click Here to download Volume 1, 

Click Here to download Volume 2, 

Click here to download The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1 & 2, The eBook for your computer or any other eReader that can view a PDF. This e-book is a read only PDF for your eReader or computer, which means you cannot print this book.


Newly remastered, The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1, Newly released, The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock, the DVD, & The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 2, See the movie trailer of all below!

Click here to order The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock, the DVD!

Click here to order The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1 & 2

See our new friend,
Quacky Peacock, One of a kind!
Click this to view video.

Also view his other two videos!
Click the below to view
Quacky, Mystery Peacock
Quacky, The Trumpet Playing Peacock

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Tonight Show

If you missed Dennis Fett, the Clarinet Playing Peacock Farmer from Minden, Iowa, Co-Owner of the Peacock Information Center's  appearance on the Tonight Show starring Jay Leno on Friday 12-19-08, playing his disappearing clarinet act, In the segment called "Does This Impress Ed Asner".  There is good news, you can read a full description of Dennis Fett's wonderful experience on the Tonight Show on our peafowl Blog web page. Click here to see photos and read the story!

Dennis Fett standing in front of the Artists' Entrance to the studio of the Tonight Show

Photo is of Dennis Fett & Jay Leno courtesy of The NBC Tonight Show 

View Dennis Fett's Tonight show recreation

See Dennis Fett & Debra Buck on Attitudes talk show Starring Linda Dano.
Click here to view

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 1, The Movie Trailer

Get a sneak peak of The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD Volume 1, newly remastered video.

You've got to check it out!

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD, Vol. 2,
The Movie Trailer

Get a sneak peak of this instructional peafowl/peacock video,
You've got to check it out!

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The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock,
The Movie Trailer

Get a sneak peak of this inspirational and upliftting video,
You've got to check it out!