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The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, The e-Book Is written by the nation's two foremost authorities on peafowl, Dennis M. Fett and Debra Joan Buck and founders of the Peacock Information Center. They have over 43+ years of experience of raising peafowl.
Volume 1 will guide the reader with very important information on: housing, food, selecting peafowl stock, the mating of the peafowl, the laying of the egg, hatching of the eggs, how to make a candler, proper way to candle an egg, how to make an inexpensive brooding box, sounds peafowl make, feather production, peacocks territory and fighting, peafowl diseases and treatment, how to fix crooked toes, pet peafowl, the goose that loved peafowl, hatching parakeet eggs along with peahen eggs, how to catch peafowl, color types, genetics, and many personal humorous stories.
The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, The e-Book has award winning professional peafowl photographs, depicted with 96 beautiful and stunning photographs making the book well worth the price for just the photographs.
The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, The e-Book is written in a "folksie" down to earth language that allows 10 year olds to expert breeders to understand the ins and outs of peafowl husbandry.
This e-book is a read only PDF for your computer, which means you cannot print this book. You can use this PDF file on any e-reader that can view a PDF.
The Wacky World Of Peafowl Volume 2 The eBook
The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 2, The e-Book Is written by the nation's two foremost authorities on peafowl, Dennis M. Fett and Debra Joan Buck and founders of the Peacock Information Center, with over 43+ years of experience of raising peafowl.
Volume II provides information not found in The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, The e-Book. Volume 2, The e-Book also refers to Volume 1 several times. Volume 2 contains the following: the most extensive medication chapter ever published on treatments & medications for peafowl, the history of the Cameo/Silver Dun color mutation, new mutations, wandering peafowl all over the USA, how to care for your peafowl while you're on vacation, peafowl at retirement homes, visitors on your farm, blind peafowl, how to care for your peafowl in winter's 25 below zero, incubators, leg bands, food for peachicks, sexing peachicks, Cameo/Silver Dun changing colors, peafowl as pets, peafowl for profit, peacock feathers for weddings, wild peafowl living in Harlem, New York, peacock song, and many personal stories about the authors and their life with peafowl.
The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 2, The e-Book has award winning professional peafowl photographs, depicted with 156 beautiful and stunning photographs making the book well worth the price for just the photographs.
The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 2, The e-Book is written in a "folksie" down to earth language that allows 10 year olds to expert breeders understand the ins and outs of peafowl husbandry.
Although Volume 2 is a stand alone book, it is highly recommended that the reader purchases both volumes of The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The e-Book.
This e-book is a read only PDF for your computer, which means you cannot print this book. You can use this PDF file on any e-reader that can view a PDF.
The White Peacock That Ran Away From The Circus The eBook
The white peacock that ran away from the circus is a true life story that actually happened to author Dennis M. Fett and his wife Debra Joan Buck who actually took part of rescuing of the white circus peacock. This story will bring to life the true magic of the circus and how two ordinary people went out of their way and rescued the star of the Circus.
This story will inspire all to see the good in every person. The reader will be encouraged to think about all the nice things that they can do to make a big difference in the lives of others. This book is a must read for kids of all ages. This book includes 13 pages with 12 stunning pictures of a beautiful white peacock!
This book can be downloaded as a read only PDF right here.
Or at the iTunes store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/white-peacock-that-ran-away/id826981886?mt=11
Join Purdy Peacock as he takes his family on a trip to the zoo in search of his long lost relatives. After your trip to the zoo, go along with Purdy on a vacation to the State Fair. You'll want to stay around a bit longer and read how Purdy Peacock makes a new friend. You will be surprised when Purdy helps a family in need during the holiday season. We are sure you’d like reading about the cute little baby peachicks that roam around on Purdy Peacock’s beautiful farm.
The Adventures of Purdy Peacock stories have a meaningful message showing kindness and hope in this ever changing world. They show the struggles of being poor and the mysteries of life itself. You will be encouraged after reading this very uplifting and inspirational collection of short stories for the entire family. These inspirational stories are based on true events that actually have happened and are written by Debra Joan Buck.
Author Debra Joan Buck (Also Known As Penny Anna Buck and Mrs. Peacock) was born and raised in Iowa and grew up extremely impoverished. Her creative work, Purdy Peacock relives the time her family only had one hot dog apiece to eat for their Thanksgiving meal. Another story tells how the family was so poor they could not afford to buy a Christmas tree and had to cut down small trees along the roadside just so they could decorate a tree for Christmas. We are sure that your entire family will want to read this wholesome book over and over again.
The Adventure of Purdy Peacock includes 55 pages with 13 stunning pictures of a beautiful peacocks! This book can be downloaded as a read only PDF on any computer or tablet and smart phone that can read a PDF.
This issue of the Peafowl Report is a must read for novices and experienced peafowl people hatching out peahen eggs.
This issue of the Peafowl Report is one of our most popular issues. It was originally published in March/April 2006. We recently updated it with the latest information for your hatching egg experience.
This issue will show you what you can expect when you hatch out your eggs or purchase eggs from someone like us at the Peacock Information Center.
After reading this you should have a good handle on how to hatch your eggs successfully and have a good healthy brood of peachicks. This issue will help you with most known issues associated with hatching your peahens eggs. It will also provide special tips from well seasoned peafowl breeders at the Peacock Information Center.
This is a good written companion to The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, the DVD.
This newsletter comes as a read only PDF for your smart phone, e-reader, tablet, or computer, which means you cannot print this newsletter. You can use this PDF file on any smart phone, e-reader, tablet, or computer that can view a PDF.
Lowell was an author of a column titled Lowell's Limericks which appeared in The Wacky World of Peafowl Report newsletter. This book contains his true childhood stories, his adventures during World War II, experiences of parenthood and at the work place, fantasy stories, poems, and his autobiography.
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Lowell’s Limericks & Life Stories
by Lowell Henry Buck
Edited by Debra Joan Buck
Chapter 4, “Growing Up”, Page 41
Drive To Town – 1926
My brother and I thought I would be fun to drive my father’s car to town. I was 5 years old and my brother ‘Bob’ was 4 years old. Town was four miles away. We had seen our father drive many a time so we knew how.
The car was a model ‘T’ Ford and to start it my father parked it on a hill. He had the emergency brake on and a rock in front of the back wheel and when he wanted to start it, he took the rock out, released the emergency brake, put it in gear and that would turn over the motor to start it. The farm buildings were on each side of the lane built on the side hill. The corn crib was the last building and from there was a gate to the pasture.
My brother was to drive; imagine a four year old driving, I was to get the rock out to release the emergency brake. I got the rock away from the wheel, got in beside my brother, released the emergency brake and down the hill we went, past the chicken house, the cob house, the house, the barn, the hog house, and finally past the corn crib, through the pasture gate, which for some reason was open, out into the pasture and there coasted to a stop.
The miracle is that no one saw us doing anything. My father thought he had left the emergency brake off and the car rolled out there without anyone doing anything. My brother and I didn’t volunteer any information either, another secret between my brother and me.
Peacock Feathers
Our peacock feathers come from our very own peacocks on our farm. Every July and August our peacocks lose their feathers naturally and then we pick them up and store them for the people who purchase our feathers. And every year we have a new renewable source of peacock feathers from our own peacocks. We hope to see your order soon.
India Blue Peacock Feathers
1 Blue feather, Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid
1 Blue feather, Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid
15 Blue feathers, Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

15 Blue feathers, Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

1 Blue sword feather, Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

10 Blue sword feather, Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice postage paid

1 Blue wispy feather, Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

10 Blue wispy feather, Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

White Peacock Feathers
1 White feather Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

1 White feathers extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

15 White feathers, Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid
15 White feathers, Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

1 White sword feather, Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

10 White sword feathers, Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

1 White wispy feather Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

10 White wispy feather Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

Peacock feather
1 Cameo feather Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

1 Cameo feather extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

15 Cameo feathers Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

15 Cameo feathers Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

1 Cameo sword feather Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

10 Cameo sword feather Assorted lengths range from 6 inches to 24 inches our choice, postage paid

1 Cameo wispy feather Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid

10 Cameo wispy feather Extra long lengths range from 24 inches to 48 inches our choice, postage paid
Wacky World Of Peafowl The DVD Volume 2 77 minutes long, postage paid
Mr. Peacock and Friends The TV Show Season one 96 minutes long DVD
USPS Express Mail service 1 to 2 days