Your source for everything peafowl

Peahen Hatching Eggs Order Form!

We are taking orders for Spring/Summer 2025.

Please note that feed costs have gone up over 100% over the last year. Since we include shipping in the price of your hatching eggs, we are at the mercy of the United States Postal Service and their constant increasing of shipping prices. If the United States Postal Service increases their postal rates after you’ve paid for your hatching eggs, there may be an additional surcharge for higher postal rates that we did not anticipate within our egg prices. Thank you for your understanding.


Hatching eggs do not come with instructions so order/download our e-books on how to hatch your eggs newsletter!


Eggs will not start shipping until mid April to mid May. And we ship till late August. Order early to prevent disappointment.

Please be advised that because of the uncertainty of the peahens laying habit and the unpredictable delivery of the United States Postal Office's priority and express mail, we cannot give you a date when the your eggs will be shipped. All we can say is they will be shipped between the months of April through August.
We also cannot arrange for any specific delivery date.

Also on occasion, we may have to call you late in the evening (11:00 pm to 12:00 am Central time) when we pack up your eggs for shipment. Sometimes the address provided us is not an acceptable address with the USPS. Please also use your ZIP Code +4 digits (example 12345-6789)

Then, print this order form on your printer and send it in the mail (USPS snail mail) along with your money order or check only for the total amount of this order. Sorry, no credit cards (PayPal). Money orders and checks only. NO CHECKS AFTER May 15, 2025.

Please print if you do not type on the order form.

Name (print or type)

Address (print or type)

City (print or type)

Zip (+ last 4 numbers)

Phone (day)
Phone (night)

E-mail address (print or type)


1-5 hatching eggs any color type.
Eggs are available unless listed below

List the number of eggs that you want in the appropriate box.

Black Shoulder
Optional additional Insurance $10.00 for each $100.00 value

Order 1-5 eggs, of any color type, $51.00 each, Free Shipping,
Your Total


6 hatching egg Minimum for $152.00 (additional eggs sold for $51.00 each)
Any color type, your choice.
Eggs are available unless listed below

List the number of eggs that you want in the appropriate box.

Black Shoulder
Optional additional Insurance $10.00 for each $100.00 value
Additional Eggs sold at $51.00 Each

6 egg Minimum, Any Color Type, Free shipping, $151.00,
Your Total

Optional express mail shipping for your hatching eggs

Please be advised that Express mail from our location to yours may take as long as priority mail. 
There is no guarantee that the extra money will get you faster service. 
he United States Postal Service has deliberately slow down express mail over the last year.

Extra Express mail postage for the continental United States, add $65.00 per set of six eggs for 1-2 day (check with the USPS on how many day it will take for express mail click here ) express mail service from Minden, Ia. (example: 6 eggs-add $65.00, 12 eggs-add an additional $65.00, etc.), USA only, Price Each, $65.00 Total


Quantity Hatching Your Eggs, Peafowl report issue, 15-6, free shipping, USA only, Price Each, $12.00 Total

Hatching Your Eggs, Peafowl report issue, 15-6, Click here to download now!

The Wacky World Of Peafowl books, Vol. 1 & 2, Click here to download now!

The Wacky World Of Peafowl The DVD, Vol. 1, 83 minutes long, USA only, Free Shipping, Price Each, $25.95 Total

The Wacky World Of Peafowl The DVD, Vol. 2, 77 minutes long, USA only, Free Shipping, Price Each, $25.95 Total

Mr. Peacock and Friends, The TV Show, Season 1, 96 minutes long, USA only, Free Shipping, Price Each, $25.95 Total

Total amount for your order enclosed

I commit to purchasing hatching eggs for the January 2025-September 2025 hatching season. If I no longer want, do not accept, or refuse delivery of eggs after placing my order, or if the post office attempts delivery and I am not at home to accept delivery and the eggs are returned to sender, or if the eggs are not delivered or delayed by the shipping agent and do not hatch for any reason, I will not be issued a refund. I understand that my order cannot be changed or canceled once it is placed. I understand that there are no instructions included with my egg order. I also understand if eggs are not available by September 2025, due to the lack of egg production, I will get a full refund from the Peacock Information Center in October 2025. I understand that I will only receive a refund if there are not enough eggs to fill my order. I understand that I will not receive a refund if I refuse delivery of the package for any reason. I also understand that because of the possibility of delays and improper handling by the United States Postal Service and so many other factors, (such as: proper moisture during incubating; proper candling of the eggs, proper temperature for the entire duration of the incubation; an accurate thermometer and power outages, delay in shipment, excess heat or cold during shipment, or X-raying of eggs by the USPS or the shipping agency that may make eggs appear infertile.), The Peacock Information Center cannot guarantee hatchability on eggs and there will be no refunds, replacements, credits or substitutes for other items in the Peacock Information Catalog if your eggs do not hatch. I also understand that the USPS or the shipping agency may randomly X-ray my eggs without warning or notice to the Peacock Information Center or myself making the eggs to appear to be infertile and not hatchable. All claims for any broken eggs will be with the United States Postal Service and must be reported to the USPS once opened and I understand that I will save all packaging for the USPS authorities. I understand that my eggs are only insured up to $100.00 by the USPS and if I do not purchase additional insurance above that amount, they will not be insured above $100.00 even if my order is more than $100.00  Although rare, prices may be increased at any time due to postage increases or other unforeseen price increases. I understand that if I use a check that will delay my order 3 weeks. I understand that I will be notified of any possible increases. I understand and agree to the above terms as of the date below showing my signature. I also understand that I must be 21 years old or older to order hatching eggs.

I certify that I am 21 years old or older and agree with all of the terms above:

Sign Name (required)_____________________________________

Print Name (required)_____________________________________

Date signed (required)____________________________________

Send Money Order/Check to
Peacock Information Center, Dennis Fett,
24783 330 Street, Minden, Iowa 51553